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Ghosts Of The Forest

  • Publisher : Orion
  • Author : Steve Backshall
  • ISBN : 9781444009644
  • Lab Code : 3808
  • Number of pages : 258
  • ATOS Book Level : 6.3
  • Points Value : 9.0
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £3.50.

50 in stock


Saker and Sinter have split up. Sinter is nursing in the shanties of Ho Chi Minh city. Saker is with the peace-loving Penan helping them protect the orang utans and save their own forest homes, as unscrupulous loggers wreak destruction. But they are being watched. And hunted. The Prophet has not forgiven their betrayal. Escaping the Clan takes Saker and Sinter on a deadly, dangerous journey through Vietnam, over the South China Sea back to Borneo. Deep in the jungle, they’re reunited on their most daredevil and audacious mission yet, to save the endangered orang utans before they become ghosts of the forest. Beware the wooden bullet.

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Ghosts of the Forest
Ghosts Of The Forest
Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £3.50.