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The Wall Between Us

  • Publisher : Chicken House
  • Author : Dan Smith
  • ISBN : 9781912626762
  • Lab Code : 2663
  • Number of pages : 260
  • ATOS Book Level : 5.2
  • Points Value : 6.0
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £3.99.

17 in stock



Anja and Monika live opposite each other. They play together every day, with Otto the cat.

One night they wake up to bangs and shouts. Soldiers are building a huge barbed wire fence between them. A terrible forever wall that gets longer and higher until it divides the whole city.

On the East side, Monika is scared – neighbours are becoming spies and there are secret police everywhere.

It’s Anja who spots that Otto has found a way across. If he can visit Monika, then perhaps she can too.

But Anja gets trapped and there’s no safe way back . . .

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The Wall Between Us
Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £3.99.