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The Treasure Hunters

  • Publisher : Scholastic
  • Author : Lisa Thompson
  • ISBN : 9780702301605
  • Lab Code : 3151
  • Number of pages : 328
  • ATOS Book Level : 4.7
  • Points Value : 9.0
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £3.99.

92 in stock


When lonely Vincent is forced to go on an outdoor activity weekend with three other kids from his class, he’s counting the seconds until he can escape home. But one of his classmates is hiding a secret: she’s convinced there’s pirate treasure buried deep within a nearby mountain.

Suddenly, this boring trip becomes an exciting adventure! But a thief is hot on the trail, intent on stealing the loot for themselves… can the Treasure Hunters work together to stop them?

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The Treasure Hunters
Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £3.99.