01427 811109 | Over 30 years of supplying books to Schools

Primary school book bands and what they mean

Many primary schools use book bands for age groups to help easily identify both fiction and non-fiction books for specific reading ability. As well as being beneficial for teachers, it is also good for the pupils as it means they have free choice to independently choose a book they want to read from the specific colour for their ability.

Here at Laburnum House, we also use the reading book band system. We have books which are suitable for ages from nursery all the way up to year 6. We have a good understanding of what children enjoy, as well as the topics that need to be covered. Therefore, our books are located in their book band section on our website, thus creating ease for teachers when researching books for their classes.

Let’s take a deeper look into a variety of book bands we have and find out what they mean.

Pink Book Band

Pink reading level books are perfect for nursery and reception pupils. Children on the pink level are typically aged between 3 and 5 years old and getting used to reading from left to right and matching spoken words to write. You can find both non-fiction and fiction books amongst our pink book band range – there’s a book for every student!

Red & Yellow Book Bands

Once your pupils have gained more confidence within their reading and are ready to step up to the next level the red book band is ideal for them. The books in this range are great for introducing young readers to more complex sentences and new topics to discover. We have books ranging from sports to fiction, plenty to choose from.

Green & Orange Book Bands

Both the green and orange book bands are typically designed for ages 5 and 6 years old. This range is perfect for students who are fluent readers, from factual and educational books to fictional stories – there’s something everyone will love!

Purple & Gold Book Bands

Purple and gold book bands are for students who enjoy reading silently or at a rapid pace. If you are wanting your students to expand their knowledge of everyday life such as family history and animal behaviour then these books are perfect. You can find many classics in this range including Jack and the Beanstalk.

Grey & Brown Book Bands

Grey and brown book bands are best suited for older pupils who are wanting to advance their knowledge and literary ability. Within these two ranges, you can find a huge selection of both fiction and non-fiction books, perfect for both education and imagination.

Dark Blue & Dark Red Book Bands

These particular book bands are suitable for the average reader in Year 6, or a more advanced reader in Year 5. The collection means children can continue to extend their reading confidence.

If you have any questions about which book band products would be best for you, our knowledgeable team are always happy to help – just get in touch at info@laburnumhouse.co.uk or on 01427 811109.

Don’t forget all our books are HALF PRICE too!

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