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The Boy Who Steals Houses

  • Publisher : Orchard
  • Author : C.G. Drews
  • ISBN : 9781408349922
  • Lab Code : 640
  • Number of pages : 348
  • ATOS Book Level : 4.5
  • Points Value : 10
  • Book Cover : Paperback

This title contains content which may be considered inappropriate for primary aged children

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £3.99.

4 in stock


Can two broken boys find their perfect home? By turns heartbreaking and heartwarming, this is a gorgeously told, powerful story.Sam is only fifteen but he and his autistic older brother, Avery, have been abandoned by every relative he’s ever known. Now Sam’s trying to build a new life for them. He survives by breaking into empty houses when their owners are away, until one day he’s caught out when a family returns home. To his amazement this large, chaotic family takes him under their wing – each teenager assuming Sam is a friend of another sibling. Sam finds himself inextricably caught up in their life, and falling for the beautiful Moxie.But Sam has a secret, and his past is about to catch up with him.

The Boy Who Steals Houses
The Boy Who Steals Houses
Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £3.99.