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Samurai: Japan’s Noble Servant-Warriors

  • Publisher : Raintree
  • Author : Blake Hoena
  • ISBN : 9781474781756
  • Lab Code : 837
  • Number of pages : 32
  • ATOS Book Level : 4.8
  • Points Value : 0.5
  • Book Cover : Hardback
  • Series : Graphic History: Warriors

Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £6.50.

8 in stock


Samurai warriors are often thought of as stoic loners who wandered the land helping poor villagers fight against their oppressors. However, although a few Samurai worked alone, most of them considered it dishonourable. These highly-skilled warriors usually served a noble lord, and they fought fiercely to protect their master’s lands. Dynamic illustrations and fascinating tales of famous Samurai teach readers what life was like as a noble servant-warrior in feudal Japan.

Samurai: Japan’s Noble Servant-Warriors
Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £6.50.