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Revenge of the Phantom Furball

  • Publisher : Stripes
  • Author : Sam Hay
  • ISBN : 9781847152893
  • Lab Code : 10539
  • Number of pages : 101
  • ATOS Book Level : 4.3
  • Points Value : 1
  • Book Cover : Paperback
  • Series: Undead Pets

Original price was: £4.99.Current price is: £2.50.

18 in stock


When Joe Edmunds makes a wish on an Egyptian amulet, little does he know that he has volunteered to guide and defend the undead pet inhabitants of his town!

Disaster strikes when Bonsai the pug chases Pickle the cat into the street, where she is flattened by a car. But the fact that Pickle has (almost) shuffled off her mortal coil isn’t her biggest concern; she is worried that Bonsai will pursue her sister Pebble into an early grave too, unless she and Joe teach the dog a lesson…

Revenge of the Phantom Furball
Revenge of the Phantom Furball
Original price was: £4.99.Current price is: £2.50.