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Robin Hood: Jet Skis, Swamps & Smugglers

  • Publisher : Hot Key Books
  • Author : Robert Muchamore
  • ISBN : 9781471409493
  • Lab Code : 1214
  • Number of pages : 238
  • ATOS Book Level : 6.4
  • Points Value : 7.0
  • Book Cover : Paperback

This title contains content which may be considered inappropriate for primary aged children

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £3.99.

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There’s a price on Robin’s head, one that has attracted a gang of ruthless mercenaries who are determined to track him down and hand him over to Guy Gisborne. So Robin is hiding out by the sea, but trouble has a way of finding him. Before long he is helping to rescue refugees and trying to avoid the attentions of Customs and Immigration officials. Then he and Marion discover a people-smuggling operation: desperate people brought into the country to work in slave-like conditions making cheap goods. It’s only a matter of time before the two of them are trying to find out who is behind it – and Robin is again making the headlines with spectacular raids on the rich and powerful.