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Cuddly But Deadly Animals

  • Publisher : Raintree
  • Author : Charles Hofer
  • ISBN : 9781398222625
  • Lab Code : 1015
  • Number of pages : 32
  • ATOS Book Level : 4.6
  • Points Value : 0.5
  • Book Cover : Hardback
  • Series : Killer Nature

Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £6.50.

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The world is full of furry, cuddly-looking animals. They often seem harmless at first glance. But don’t try to snuggle with these fuzzy creatures. Many of them can be very dangerous. Some have razor-sharp claws and teeth. Others are incredibly strong. Still others are poisonous or carry deadly diseases. Prepare to meet some of the world’s cuddliest killers!