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A Game Of Life Or Death

  • Publisher : Scholastic
  • Author : Triona Campbell
  • ISBN : 9780702317880
  • Lab Code : 3199
  • Number of pages : 358
  • ATOS Book Level : 4.5
  • Points Value : 12.0
  • Book Cover : Paperback

This title contains content which may be considered inappropriate for primary aged children

Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.50.

60 in stock


When sixteen-year-old Asha Kennedy discovers her older sister Maya’s dead body in their home, her world falls apart. Desperate for answers, and to stay out of the hands of the social services she grew up in, Asha turns to her hacker friends for help.

Her search leads her to Zu Tech, the hit games studio where Maya was a lead coder. As Asha begins to unravel the riddle of her death, she realises that the only way to uncover the truth is from the inside.

Asha ghosts her old life and infiltrates a Zu Tech eSport tournament as they launch ‘SHACKLE’, the revolutionary Virtual Reality video game Maya was working on – and which hides a monstrous secret

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A Game Of Life Or Death
A Game Of Life Or Death
Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £4.50.